ਮਨ ਤੂੰ ਜੋਤਿ ਸਰੂਪੁ ਹੈ ਆਪਣਾ ਮੂਲੁ ਪਛਾਣੁ ॥
O my Mind! You are the embodiment of the Divine Light - Recognize your Worth!
Camping Movement
Khalsa Spirit - Catch It!!!
Covid 19 has forced us from hosting the camps in 2020-21.
However, IIGS is conducting Virtual Kirtan Teaching classes as well as Virtual Kirtan Dewans.

Come Catch the Khalsa Spirit!!!
IIGS Camps are an experience of a lifetime. Ask the thousands and thousands of those who have attended one. Along with imparting knowledge about Sikh faith, History, Gurmukhi, Gatka, self-defence and Culture among other things, IIGS Camps help build the Khalsa Spirit and enhance ones complete personality. IIGS Camps are leadership camps where campers get hands on training to become 4 in 1.
Historic Role of Pioneering the Sikh Youth Camping Movement
Prominent world wide for its historic role of pioneering the International Sikh Youth Camping Movement, International Institute of Gurmat Studies, Inc. (IIGS, or popularly known as IGS) has organized over 100 camps and retreats for young Sikh women and men, mothers, families, and sindhis around the world covering 4 Continents. since 1972.
To date thousands from around the world have attended IIGS camps and many have come back to Sikhi and got baptized.
Worldwide Impact
To understand the impact of IIGS and it's Camps, one will have to travel back to early 1970s. A thought of organizing a co-ed camp and that too for youth was frowned upon and everyone thought of it as a bad idea. IIGS under the guidance and supervision of Papaji went ahead with it's plans. One after the other, each camp generated positive results and slowly and steadily the idea became a reality. Today, it's a common thing around the world.
Fast-forward to mid 1980s: IIGS relocated its headquarters to California, USA. Things were not very positive for the Sikh community during that time. It was once again IIGS activities and the camps that gave a big boost to the Sikh Spirit. It continues to touch the lives of thousands through its campers and alumni who are actively participating in variety of community service organizations through out the country.
Fast forward again to the beginning of this century. IIGS began to receive lot of requests to host a camp in India. As per the Hukam of Waheguru ji, IIGS held a camp in India in 2003. Results were amazing: A new wave of camps have started in India ever since. While in 2003, IIGS was the only organization to hold a camp in India, today (in 2018) more than 250 camps were organized by various groups and organizations throughout the country. IIGS has influenced individuals, organizations and leadership alike and it continues to do sewa with the grace and guidance of Waheguru ji.
IIGS camps have always been about imparting positive and straight forward message of our wonderful Gurus. Waheguru, wonderful Gurus and Gurbani are the essence of every Sikh's life. As long as one remembers that, one will remember to meditate, will earn once livelihood through honest means and share with others. One who believes in Him, sees Him in all. This is our journey of self enhancement and self realization and IIGS camps give everyone a chance to explore that.
In IIGS camps, the entire curriculum is taught by Counselors and teachers who have themselves attended numerous camps. No one can be a counselor unless he/she has been through few camps. At these camps, everyone starts at the bottom for one must learn to follow before he/she can learn to lead. At these camps, everyone from counselors, teachers, junior counselors, trainees and helpers, all are volunteers who donate their time and money to the cause.
Once a Camper Always a Camper
IIGS philosophy of Once a camper, always a camper stands true as we see over and again 2nd and 3rd generations of the campers coming to attend the camps. Parents who once were campers want their kids to experience the same for they believe IIGS changed their lives by helping them understand Sikh faith a little bit better.
Camp Curriculum
Each camp is different and the curriculum is customized according to the participants. Generally speaking in an IIGS camp, one will learn:
* Basic fundaments of Sikh Faith
* Sikh History, Values and Tradition
* Kirtan, Naam Simran and instruments
* Gatka and Self Defense
* Developing out of the box thinking
* Hands on Leadership training
* Gurmukhi
* Finding answers through open discussions
* Interacting with top personalities from the community
* Personality Development workshops
* Networking
Things to look for in an IIGS Camp
Saint-Soldier philosophy
Khalsa Parade
Kesh Darshan Parade
Personality Development workshops
Sikh Personality Shows
Developing Leadership qualities
DOST (Discussion of Sikh Things) Sessions
Clearing of doubts
IIGS promotes the philosophy of doing your best and rising to the top in every field of life. Today, you can find a IGS camper in all parts of world in all fields of life.